miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012


Recuerdo que la portada de este libro siempre me llamaba la atención en las librerías de Estocolmo y cuando me enteré de su éxito, de su argumento y que iban a estrenar la peli con 2 de mis actores favoritos, tuve que hacerme con él. Y con tal ansia que lo compré en inglés, sin siquiera mirar que ya existía la traducción al castellano. AINSSSSSSS...

Como punto negativo sólo puedo decir que me daba mucha pereza ponerme con él, pero más que nada por ser en inglés, porque siempre me pasa lo mismo.

Por lo demás, me ha gustado bastante, aunque no ha llegado a emocionarme tanto como me esperaba.

El desarrollo de la historia es muy original; cada capítulo es el mismo día de uno de los 20 años que pasamos conociendo la historia y evolución de la relación de los 2 protagonistas: Emma y Dexter, 2 personas destinadas a estar juntas.

Está contada con sencillez y transmite mucho realismo y cercanía, aunque para mí lo mejor han sido los brillantes diálogos y su importante mensaje final.

"'And also to say I thought the same thing too. At the time. What I mean is I liked you too, "romantically", I mean. I mean I didn't write poems or anything, but I thought about you, think about you, you and me. I mean I fancy you.'
'Really? Oh. Really? Right. Oh. Right.' It's going to happen after all, she thought, right here and now, standing naked in the Aegean Sea.
'My problem is-' and he sighed and smiled with one side of his mouth. 'Well I suppose I fancy pretty much everybody!'
'I see,' was all she could say.
'-anyone really, just walking down the street, it's like you said, everyone's my type. It's a nightmare!'
'Poor you,' she said flatly"
"And yet it's Emma that he want to see the most. Why isn't she with him tonight? He has all these things he wants to ask her like why have they never got togeteher, they'de be great together, a team, a pair, Dex and Em, Em and Dex, everybody says so. He is taken aback by this sudden rush of love he feels for Emma, and he decides to get in a cab to Earls Court and tell her how great she is, how he really, really loves her and how sexy she is if only she knew it and why not just to do it, just to see what happens, and if none of that works, even if they just sit up and talk, at least it will be better than being alone tonight. Whatever happens, he mustn't be alone..."

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